Dear Man be Woman

from 18-04-2023
to 22-04-2023

Opening: Tuesday 18 April 2023 at 18:00, at the Grimaldi Alliance, Corso Europa 12, 20122 Milan

Grimaldi Alliance - in collaboration with Stelva Artist in Residence - hosts the selection of contemporary artworks Dear man be woman.

The artistic exhibition is an invitation, addressed above all to men, to release the energy of the feminine: the most intimate and rooted human side in each of us.

The exhibition prompts us to reflect on the energy that is used when you face an action with love, empathy and mental openness, and on the senselessness of mechanisms that still govern our society today, such as the gaps between roles and inequalities, reminding us that we are all human beings.


It will also be possible to access the exhibition the days following the inauguration in immersive mode - inside the Metamuseo Stelva - by clicking on the following link:

Grimaldi Alliance

Corso Europa ,12
20122 Milano (IT)

Inserisci l'indirizzo di partenza e fai clic su "INDICAZIONI" per ottenere le indicazioni stradali:
Primo Marella Gallery
Studio Legale Cugini
Primae Noctis - Art Gallery