Ataraxy refers to a state of tranquillity, freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety. It also makes for one intriguing exhibition title. Ataraxy is Ruben Pang’s 5th solo exhibition.
LEGGI L'ARTICOLONow talk about a visual explosion. Ruben’s work is striking and eerie at the same time. Beautiful layers and layers of soft colours, juxtaposed perfectly on dark backgrounds. Ruben Pang’s work not only inspires but dazzles the viewer.
LEGGI L'ARTICOLOPrimo Marella anticipa il Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum di New York, che inaugurerà il 22 febbraio un’esposizione dedicata agli artisti del sud-est asiatico. Nella galleria milanese, fino al 7 febbraio, “Deep S.E.A.”.